Friday, August 25, 2006

Still thinking about it...

I'm still thinking about it. The food issue. Since W turned 1 I have been so excited about new food opportunities. I let go IMMEDIATELY of any food fears I had-they scare you to death about eggs, peanutbutter, strawberries, milk etc. But something in me clicked and I just thought-boom-he'd start eating normal food. So I went on a grocery shopping spree for him. What was I thinking? he is no different than he was a month ago. It's just that I all of a sudden I had permission to not be so worried (from my doctor, who doesn't worry about anything and if he is your pediatrician you'll know of whom I am speaking). But every baby is different. Someone can tell me to give him peanutbutter and I'll try that, like I did today, and he won't let it anywhere near his mouth. Other babies looove scrambled eggs and others-meat sticks! Blah! So what I've decided is...there are no answers. You just have to experiment. Let him see you eating something. If they show interest-let 'em have it! Kind of like the special man says. Because once I thought about it, those are the foods that he likes. The ones he sees me or J eating.

And after all of my bitching about my doctor not worrying...about anything...he was right. Make sure he has healthy options in front of him and let him choose. No use dealing with a meltdown over it. He'll eat when he's hungry. Even if it's 18 Nilla Wafers (they're healthy, aren't they).

So although I've come to my own conclusion, any input is much appreciated by us Nola Moms who are embarking on a whole new world of toddler feeding.

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