Has it been that long!? I've had several inquiries about my status as a blogger in the new year. I wasn't one for the past few months but am feeling a comeback. Slowly but surely.
I have found time management very difficult in the past few months. Trying to juggle working out, my new tennis hobby, running errands and the boys and their after school activities has proved very draining for me. But we have passed many milestones and the boys are BIG! See for yourself.

This was at my niece and goddaughter, Baby J's christening a week ago. Oh and you have yet to meet Baby J, am I right?

She's a beut, ain't she? (Supposedly Uncle RaRa thinks that she is the only pretty baby ever born. I beg to differ because I know mine were pretty but I won't go there. I'll let him have his day). It's nice to have a beautiful baby girl in the family. The dress and bonnet or whatever you call it is a 'family heirloom'. Mimi bought it in Brussels back in ohhhhhh, 1990, before either Uncle RaRa or I were married or even engaged. She jumped the gun a bit, wouldn't you say? Mimi was desperate for grandchildren.
So we now have 3 grandchildren on my side of the family with the addition of Baby J. It's been fun but oh! how I don't miss those early months of mommydom. We are in a good spot, kind of....
So keep a look out for our daily antics. I have a lot to share...tantrums, attitudes, karate, play dates, potty training, oh yeah! hasn't been a dull moment. Or dry one for that matter.
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