What are we up to? Not much and you'd think I were super busy what with this lack of posting. J and I went to Cancun and had a blast despite the "tropical storm". The boys had a great time with Uncle RaRa and Aunt JoJo, Mimi and Papa and Jessie and G. I worried about leaving them for nothing. W didn't even want to talk to us on the phone. I was really worried about Master P being pissed at me when we got back. We left W for the first time at this age and he wanted nothing to do with me upon our return. They grew so much while we were away. Seriously. P was so much bigger, clapping and babbling nonstop. and W was talking so much more too probably because everyone else can't read his mind like we do.
So the summer's here and no one is going to camp and we are left to our own devices. So far it hasn't been too bad. OHHHHHHH!!!! But the big news is, is that W pee peed on the potty!!!!!! Yes, all on his own. We were about to take a bath and he said he wanted to pee pee on the potty. I rolled my eyes and thought, yeah right. So we pulled out the potty and lo and behold......I was speechless. Then I started yelling and jumping up and down. It was quite the event.
Anyway, I try to plan my days. If you are in the same boat as me, with nothing to do, it's the best way to go so you don't lose your mind. I plan something for every morning. If it's a simple morning activity like going for coffee or going to the playground then we come home and paint or do something else. But it is definitely nice to know what we are going to do. Our options are...
swimming, Parenting Center (although we haven't yet done this because they are well for the first time in eons and I can't stand the thought of having them sick again), going to get coffee and a cookie either at the coffee shop or after driving the car at the grocery store, playdates, Children's Museum. I'll add the park in there if it's in the early morning. Story time at the Library is always good too.
I'm under the weather-Zicam seems to be working-so I'm signing off now. I'll be back more regularly over the summer.