Friday, June 05, 2009

Potty training regression

Today is the last weekday before W gets to start camp after his head bobo, hopefully. and I can breathe a sigh of relief. I am already halfway through the day! I feel like a very bad mother breathing the sigh of relief especially when I see other moms all giggles and smiles at the little play center that we frequent. I find it really hard when I have to plan a whole week of entertainment for 2 little buddies. In addition to the difficulty in finding fun things to do, they can't involve water because of his cut. I don't know if it's just me or not but I get very anxious just thinking about it and I have to take baby steps through each day. For the most part I think I was happy and fun this week but I have definitely have had trying moments and for those I feel bad.

Pman is such a ball of energy and W and I are having some regression potty issues. I think that may be due to a change of his schedule and him feeling out of control. So the potty is the only way he can take hold of his little world. I received some good advice today from a licensed professional and I am feeling a little bit more in control of my emotions.

She said the same thing our pediatrician said the first go around-to feign indifference. I just needed a simple reminder.

J finished up some work stuff that was weighing on him and I have finished my long week so those are both reasons for a major celebration. We had a semi-party last night. We got a babysitter and went to dinner and then for a delicious blueberry mojito afterwards. A great start to a fun weekend and lots of celebrating!

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