Monday, June 18, 2007

J was a relatively low maintenance father on Father's Day. He had a schedule all planned out. The day was to start with him getting up with the LB. He insisted. He wanted to get up and prepare breakfast and then we were going to go to church. or that's what was on the schedule. So W wakes up as usual around 6:30 and J doesn't budge. Okay, he budged, enough to reach over and put on his sleep mask, turn over and go back to sleep. So much for the schedule. My breakfast was a bowl of Heart Smart (first time having it and really enjoyed it). I can't fault him for not following the schedule. It was his prerogative. and I'm glad in a way because he always gets on me for popping things on him at the last minute. so I think he realized the power of flying by the seat of your pants. He did follow the rest of the day's schedule. Lunch followed by nap time followed by J cooking a delicious dinner. He worked hard on it all afternoon. We ate a lot. Cheese and crackers, marinated shrimp on the grill, grilled corn, tomato and Vidalia onion salad with a balsamic vinaigrette and mustard-horseradish hamburgers. Needless to say we went to bed with completely satisfied bellies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

father's day sounds like mother's day with all that good cooking done for you! -e