Now that the Mardi Gras weekend is behind us I have a few minutes to chat. Whew. It wasn't all that hectic. I think the pressure of it all made me more tired than anything. I love Mardi Gras and I would have loved to make it a marathon complete with my jug of Mardi Gras Madrases-leave the house in the morning and don't come back until the last float rolls by but I still feel like W is too little to forgo the nap. Some people may say I am not flexible enough and that "It's Mardi Gras!" but that's just the way I feel. Saturday the LB slept from 11 until 3 so we missed all the parades. We took him out to the parade routes to check out the Endymion crowds and even saw a few floats. He still doesn't much care for them though.
About Endymion-first of all let me say that I am ready for them to go back to Mid-City. Sorry if I piss anyone off but it's the way I feel. We were going to drop our ladder off with friends early Sat. morning and they said don't even bother because the Endymion people have roped off miles of neutral ground and even have gone so far as to move other people's ladders. They are rude and have this awful sense of entitlement that just doesn't mix with the families on Napoleon. I mentionned my feelings to someone and their theory was was that the city will never let them go back. It's too easy for them to ride the same route. I am scared they are right.
Anyway, I did enjoy seeing Journey on one of the first few floats. They were quite the crowd pleaser. See photo.
Halfway down the street we passed by a group of college kids who were obviously drunk, having a fabulous time. They were introducing themselves, typing in phone numbers into cell phones so they could meet up with their new found friends later on. AAAAH, those were the days, I told J. Those were my favorite times about Mardi Gras. Meeting all kinds of new people and whooping it up like you were best friends for the weekend. J kind of looked at me sideways, laughed and said, now we are going to workout and eat Chinese food instead. Which we did. That is really sad, isn't it? 10 years ago if someone told me they were going to excercise and eat Chinese food on Endymion Saturday, I would of thought they were THE BIGGEST TOOLS IN THE SHED. Now I think, we're just old.
Which brings me to the big news. Five Happiness will reopen on Sundays starting this Sunday, February 25. If you are a regular reader of my blog you know how excited this makes me, if you're not you can read this post for further info.
Sunday, the LB only slept until 1:30 so we were able to catch some of Thoth because it was late. We headed down the Avenue (which was disgusting I might add, a bunch of drunk kids/yats all over the street, sitting in trash) to the Hampton Inn where J's friend had a hotel room and some ladders set up. We put W up there to see if he liked it. Turns out it was too close to the floats. He didn't really care for it either and I was so worried about blocking the beads from slapping him in the face that I didn't really enjoy myself either. So we went upstairs to the room, ate some Popeye's and watched it from the window. Then we headed back to family friendly Napoleon where we ran into Uncle RaRa and Aunt JoJo before heading home.
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