Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! It's freezing here-like in the 40's. Yesterday it was sleeting over here. Very strange. We couldn't have our Easter Egg Hunt as planned this morning before church because it was raining. So we got dressed, W in his new big boy shoes and went to church. He fell flat on his face and skidding across the floor. His lip was all swollen and his eye had a bump. Needless to say church wasn't a pleasant experience for him. I should have had him practice in the shoes a few days before. or just let him wear his Keds. No one would have cared. He had a grand time at lunch. Wandering between the tables, getting all of the attention. He didn't eat anything but he made it all the way until 1:15 to see the Easter Bunny.

We finally had our Hunt this afternoon. The eggs were beautiful-courtesy of Mimo and Me. and delicous too-courtesy of J and me. J swears his taste better. They may peel easier but they tasted just the same.

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