Sunday, August 27, 2006

Whew! for now

Thank goodness. It looks like Ernesto is headed to Florida. I was freaking out. J didn't seem too concerned but he never really is. A true optimist, that one. For Katrina, although at the time it was a nightmare, atleast W was a 10 day old baby and didn't really know that he was being uprooted. This time, ughhh, I don't even want to think about it. But I can't stop thinking about it.

Today I am backing up all of our pictures we have on the computer, for 2 reasons. In case we have to evacuate and in case for some odd reason our computer crashes. My dad's crashed a few months ago and we lost all the pictures from when W was a little baby. Luckily, I have photos a friend took at his christening during that same time.

Only 3 more months, right? of this constant worry about hurricanes.

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