Thursday, November 02, 2006

Feeling inadequate

I have come across a lot of cool new blogs lately and feel totally inadequate. I thought I was really funny, I'm not. I have been finding myself laughing out loud reading these blogs and have decided there are a few topics that I need to write about because I totally identified. So be on the look out for such topics here:

  • BM's-The Little Buddy, mine but not J's, he would die of mortification
  • My OCD complex and Uncle RaRa's
  • Snoopy
  • Reality TV (I've been lax about this one and feel very passionate about it)


Julie Vaicius said...

I just found your blog while trying to see if there were any other nola mom's out there blogging. It is very entertaining.
I recently started a website - to keep track of my little girl who is 16 months old.

Anonymous said...

Great blog. I am also a nola mom/blogger. I recenlty started mine -

NolaMom said...

Aha! I have been looking for other Nola Mom bloggers. Happy you found me. I'm adding you to my list of links.